My husband’s vasectomy made me feel empowered TW: I have to start this with a trigger warning because it contains horrific details of obstetric violence, painful accounts of the abuse women go through, and birthing rape. In 2018, my husband and I decided that we were done with making babies. After three stays at the NICU totalling 3 months, three prem babies, preeclampsia, Tetralogy of Fallot, a placential abruptia and placential accreta, and child loss, we had to be. I couldn’t put my babies, my husband, my family, and myself through that trauma again. On the day that Ila (our youngest) was born, my poor sister, who had her driver’s licence for all of 4 days, had to manouevre through traffic to pick up our eldest child, Lily, all while my mom stayed on the line to ensure that I wouldn’t pass out from blood loss. So. we. were. done. We chatted to my gynae about possible contraceptive methods – the Mirena, the pill, a hysterectomy. At the time, I didn’t know t...