HOW TO ADULT… HARD How would you like to live bond free for 13 years? Or save WELL over a million in compound interest? It’s possible if you’re a little wiser and more disciplined. I’m sure most people know this but for the rest of you who are like us can I get a, “Hell’s yeah?” Recently, Will and I spent a delightful evening with his cousin and his wife, and amongst the gin, hilarious tales of their shenanigans as kids and the most delicious food, we learned how to adult… HARD. As you get older, #marriageporn shifts from spontaneous trysts to coming in under budget on your Christmas shopping. In fact, the day Will was sexiest for me was when he found a 3-kg washing powder for the price of a 2-kg. Karolina and Dyllan are the shorter and taller version of us, more attractive and way more responsible. We’re the funhouse version of them – wobbly in our views, with no focus. And during our chats, including finding an article on shortening your bond t...