KIM IS COMPLETELY [NOT] FINE… THE SLIPPERY SLOPE THAT IS PTSD [PART 1] Deep breath in… It’s such an insignificant detail but I toyed with where to place that “not” in the title… Kim is [not] completely fine, Kim is completely fine… not, Kim is completely [not] fine. I’ve procrastinated because seeing the words in black and white would make it real. The other day I snapped at my family. Of course I’m stern at times and have yelled the much-needed, “Stop that! Be careful, that’s dangerous.” But this came from a place of deep-seated anger. I never yell in front of Lily since it’s so traumatic for her but this particular evening, I didn’t care. Ironically, I came home from a day of worrying about my two little girls and was so emotionally drained that all I wanted was some peace and quiet to work through my thoughts. But any mom knows that that is a rare luxury. Ila never wants to be on the couch, instead she explores her newfound freedom by running around, bashing ever...