WHY I’M TIRED OF SEEING THESE MEMES Let me start by saying that this is not a dad-bashing or husband-bashing post (well, not completely). Nor is it praise for dads doing what they’re supposed to do (well, not completely). For three years now I have thought about equal parenting. Does it exist? While gender equality in parenting has come a long way since the ’50s, is there still this notion that parenting lies solely or even mostly in the hands of the mom? Do we pretend to buckle gender roles but still take on more of the responsibility? Have me made (much) progress? Recently, I read an article that shook me: it stated that moms spend 74 hours on child care and house work compared to their partners’ 47%. After a forty-hour week, womxn are putting in more hours into their children than womxn in past generations who didn’t work. I was taken aback. So I’ll share four or five separate stories that have made me hate these memes. I’ll start with the...